(selected installation)
Threadbare, Stephen Friedman Gallery, London, UK

Installation view. (left to right) Dumah, 2021, The leg of the hen, 2020, Harmony, 2021, and sword of war, 2020

Installation view. The leg of the hen, 2020 (left), Dumah, 2021 (foreground), Harmony, 2021 (background), and sword of war, 2020 (right)
Symphony, The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Installation view. Symphony, 2020-21

Installation view. Symphony, 2020-21 and Chime, 2021

Installation view. Symphony, 2020-21

Detail view. Symphony, 2020-21

Installation view. Symphony, 2020-21 and Chime, 2021

Detail view. Symphony, 2020-21

Detail view. Chime, 2021

Detail view. Symphony, 2020-21

Installation view. Symphony, 2020-21 and Chime, 2021